DavidHawk – National Security Intelligence (NSI) opens for transfers!
National Security Intelligence, led by DavidHawk, has recently created a room opening to transfers and interviews. This could very well be a new agency joining us on the Agencies floor, we wish them all the best in their journey! More details on their organization will be updated from time to come.

Additional Information:
No opening date has been set as they are focused on interviews at this point of time.
Date: 10 MAR 24
CoH_Foundation – New Agency Emerges!

A new agency by the name of The Crown of Habbo has recently opened on the agencies’ floor! According to their new website, as well as their External Affairs in-command, Mr. elitekiller0001, they describe themselves as an “agency that blends old-school style with new technology” that prioritizes “quality over quantity.”
Additional Information:
It has been mentioned that Mr. elitekiller0001 is overseeing EA only temporarily until newer personnel climb the ranks to form an EA team. Let’s wish them good luck and welcome a new and promising agency to the agency’s floor!
Date: 15 MAR 24
farshine – MINDEF Opening/Small HQ

MINDEF has opened a transfer center and they are getting things ready for their official HQ and their operations. We look forward to seeing their new HQ and seeing them operate at full strength.
Additional Information:
There hasn’t been a MINDEF roughly since 2019. They are looking to break ground here in 2024!
Date: 19 MAR 24
HIA.Founders – HIA Rejoining CIW-T

HIA will be hosting a signing ceremony for reintroducing themselves into CIW-T, Condemnation of Illegal Warfare Treaty. This has been in the making for a few weeks now where discussions were had about HIA rejoining. The ceremony will take place on 24 MAR 24 at 1pm EDT.
Additional Information:
The CIW-T allows for people who have engaged in doxxing, hacking, harassing, and committing various other crimes to be automatically condemned by the organization.
Date: 24 MAR 24

SWAT will be holding their General Meeting. The meeting will be to discuss what happened at SWAT in February, and any updates.
Additional Information:
They have a costume competition which the theme is of course Easter!
Date: 10 MAR 24

FBI and UN are having an Easter event this Saturday. They have decided to call it the Bunny Attack.
Additional Information:
This is happening at 3 PM GMT and USDF is invited!
Date: 16 MAR 24
INTFoundation – Interpol Raid Coming up!

Interpol are conducting a raid event for St. Patrick’s day! For those unfamiliar with the term, a raid consists of personnel visiting, saying hello and meeting new people on the Agencies floor.
Additional Information:
They will be visiting USDF, as well, so let’s make sure to be there and give them a warm greeting!
Date: 17 MAR 24
SS-Director & INTFoundation – SS X INT Event This Saturday!

The Secret Service and Interpol are joining forces for an event scheduled for this Saturday. Dubbed “Spring Into March,” the event will feature two games, running from 2 PM GMT to 4 PM GMT. The two venues have been assigned specific activities: from 2 PM to 3 PM, the Wheel of Fortune will be hosted at Interpol, and from 3 PM to 4 PM, the Flower Cart Race will be hosted at the Secret Service location.
Additional Information:
The event has a Spring theme and is inclusive to all. Prizes will be awarded, so don’t miss out!
Date: 16 MAR 24
acemdrahma67 – NSA Easter Events/Easter Egg Hunt

On Sunday, they will be doing one of their Easter events called Egg Hunt and they are giddy with anticipation with the event come the 17th!
Additional Information:
They are eager to see OISA members and of course USDF to make the event.
Date: 14 MAR 24
INTFoundation, HIA.Founders – HIA x INT Movie Server

Together, the HIA and INT are organizing a week-long movie server event that will feature a live stream of the High School Music Trilogy. There will be prizes and gifts at this event as well!
Additional Information:
The Movie Server will start streaming on 14th March 2024 until the next week!
Date: 14 – 21 MAR 24
UN_Founder – UN x HIA x UK Fashion Show

There’s a fashion week event going down this Saturday, with the UN/HIA/UK. If you got some nice gear (clothing), swing on by this weekend!
Additional Information:
This event will start at 2pm GMT/10am EDT on 24 MAR.
Date: 24 MAR 24
UN_Founder – iC Promotions

Several high ranking promotions and appointments have occurred in UN in recent days. Congratulations to the following for their well deserved rewards!
Marsun > Owner (0iC)
Honeymilk > Owner (0iC)
Bam!Its!KatieX > Trial OOA (1iC)
Crickette > MOD (2iC)
Date: 07 & 10 MAR 24
SWAT-Foundation – Two SWAT iC Have Retired

ChoobbiTheCat, formerly holding the position of Senior Directorate and Scofflaw, who served as the External Affairs Director, have both retired from their respective roles.
Additional Information:
Following the departure of their EA Director, their primary liaison for External Affairs will be their Overseer kldom, until the appointment of a new director.
Date: 12 MAR 24

We had a visit from a member of FBI named spencer-.-. He came into the HQ and introduced himself as the new representative for USDF!
Date: 15 MAR 24