Difficulty (Easy)

Room Name: [EFF] Creating Elemental Creatures
Room Owner: noodlesoup

Written By: Anna.Marie97 / Graphics By: Anna.Marie97

Step 1

Patiently wait in the queue.

Step 2

You will have 1 minute 20 seconds to complete steps 2 – 5.
Your first task will be collecting rocks. Simply walk on the rocks to collect them.

NOTE: all items needed move each game, so they may be placed differently than what is pictured.

Step 3

Make your way to the fire pit and step in front of it to place the rocks.

Step 4

Your next task is to find the Ooze Jar. Search the cottages until you find it.
When you have found the jar, simply step in front of it to collect it.

Step 5

Make your way back to the fire where you had placed the stones in the first step to place the jar.
Say * to create the cauldron.

Now you must summon a creature. There are two different routes you can take:
– yellow seed; follow steps 6 – 8
– blue seed; follow steps 9 – 11
You will have 1 minute to complete this task.

Step 6

Find the Winged Harness and step near it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 7

Find the Fire Seeds and step on it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 8

Find the Astro Bunny and step near it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 9

Find the Dragonfly Wings and step near it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 10

Find the Water Seeds and step on it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 11

Find the Astro Bunny and step near it to pick it up.
Take it back to the cauldron.

Step 12

Once you have gathered your 3 items, stand next to the cauldron and say * to create the creature.

Step 13

The creature will emerge and fly around for a few seconds. Wait patiently.

Step 14

Once the creature is done flying around, you will receive the badge and a Carrot Bite.

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