Difficulty (Hard)

Room Name: The Last Ride Maze 2.0 [Entrance]
Room Owner: Chronoski

Written By: zqam / Graphics By: AWilson

Step 1

Walk up the path to the teleport.
You can click at the top to automatically walk.

Step 2

Enter the teleporter.

Step 3

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Steps 4 – 5.
Wait in the queue.

Step 4

Stand on the color tile in front of the bot to hear the conversation.

Step 5

Search for the hidden pebbles in the room.
Once you have stood on the pebbles, you will teleport.

Step 6

Enter the teleporter.

Step 7

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Steps 8 – 9.
Wait in the queue.

Step 8

Collect 5 items that are moving around the room, such as the highlighted seed.

Step 9

Once complete, stand on the beanstalk to teleport.

Step 10

Enter the teleporter.

Step 11

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Step 12.
Wait in the queue.

Step 12

Stand on the white “x”’s around the game area to catch the falling objects. Catch 3 items to proceed.
Once complete, you will teleport automatically.

Step 13

Enter the teleporter.

Step 14

Navigate your way to the yellow tiles when the lamps are off. You can take either path.
The left route is faster, but you must dodge the snake.
The right route is slower, but you do not have to dodge any moving objects.
Once at the top, step on the plank to reach the teleporter.

Step 15

Enter the teleporter.

Step 16

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete Step 17.
Wait in the queue.

Step 17

Using the various arrow tiles, trap the moving Oni by saying “*” on any of the arrow tiles to move the rocks.
To trap the Oni, they must get stuck in 1 area. If you successfully trap the Oni, the game will reset, and you will earn 1 point. Do this 3 times to complete the game.

Note: If you touch the Oni once, you will be teleported back to the queue.

Step 18

Enter the teleporter.

Step 19

Complete the roller maze. You must use the bubblegum machines to spawn pods that will allow you to progress. You must also avoid collision with the black candles, and the pink bubblegum machine.

Step 20

Enter the teleporter.

Step 21

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Step 22.
Wait in the queue.

Step 22

Using the controller, move the yellow brick around the arena, without eating the pink or blue bricks.
Once you have eaten all of the yellow orbs, you will automatically teleport.

Step 23

Enter the teleporter.

Step 24

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete Steps 25 – 26.
Wait in the queue.

Step 25

Stand next to the bunnies highlighted below and say “*” to collect them.
Avoid collision with the moving bots.

Step 26

Stand at the entrance to complete the game.

Step 27

Enter the teleporter.

Step 28

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Steps 29 – 30.
Wait in the queue.

Step 29

Stand next to the golden bunny and say “!rob”.

Step 30

The robot butlers will now start moving, say “t” to place a maximum of 3 traps, and then guide the butlers into the traps without being hit by them. Once both have stood in the traps, you will be teleported.

Step 31

Enter the teleporter.

Step 32

Note: You have 20 seconds per turn for Step 33.
Wait in the queue.

Step 33

Select the correct bunny by clicking on the cloud underneath them to battle the opposing gym leader. We have been asked by the maze hosts not to post the combinations for this step!

Step 34

Enter the teleporter.

Step 35

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete Step 36.
Wait in the queue.

Step 36

Copy the image from the top board to the bottom board.
Every time you step on a tile, it will toggle its color between green and clear. Once you have completed it, say “done” and you will earn a point. Score 3 points to continue.

Step 37

Enter the teleporter.

Step 38

Note: You have 1 minute, and 20 seconds to complete Step 39.
Wait in the queue.

Step 39

Green dragon plushies and blue cat plushies will appear from the bushes.
Click on bushes that have a blue cat on them to squish them. Each time you successfully click a bush with a blue cat plushie in it, you will earn a point. For each empty bush/bush with a green dragon in them that you click, you will lose 1 point and 3 seconds. Once you have earned 15 points, you will automatically teleport.

Step 40

Enter the teleporter.

Step 41

Note: You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete Step 42.
Wait in the queue.

Step 42

Collect the 3 items highlighted below by typing “*” next to them and delivering them by standing on the blue color tile. To descend to the ocean floor, stand in the boat and type “d”. To re-ascend, when handing in the items, stand on the rope on the right-hand side of the room and say “u” – you will automatically teleport once you have collected the 3 items.

Step 43

Enter the teleporter.

Step 44

Wait in the queue.

Step 45

Sit on the log chair, and use the pear tree to initiate movement. As the chair moves along, stand on the color tiles to turn them green. There is a path inside the houses which cannot be seen. You must also use the French Flower Cart to turn the tile green next to the apples. Along the way, flick the switch and return to the seat. Once all tiles are green, as shown, the gate will open and you can proceed.

Step 46

Enter the teleporter.

Step 47

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete Step 48.
Wait in the queue.

Step 48

Move around the arena to dodge the Gnoll and the goblins that will spawn. Say “t” to place down traps, and when the Gnoll or the goblins stand in the traps, say “h” to take 1 point of damage from the Gnoll, or remove the goblin. You must take 5 points of damage from the Gnoll to proceed to the next room.

Step 49

Enter the teleporter.

Step 50

Complete the roller maze. You must enter the first white one-way gate without being hit by the water lily to open the flame gate. You will then be teleported to the right. Immediately walk off the color tile and reach the pod, where you will then be teleported to the middle. Stand on the moving flame tile to proceed.

Step 51

Complete the roller maze. Using the first one-way gate will elevate you slowly, spam click the second one-way gate, and reach the blue tile. Once you reach the blue tile, you will slowly move down, spam click the first diagonal roller. Avoid the moving crab and flick the switch to spawn a cyan plasto pod. Sit on the pod to proceed.

Step 52

Complete the roller maze. The color tile shown below will change between pink and blue – stand on it when it is blue. Then, using the water lily, navigate to the final one-way gate, and stand in it to proceed.

Step 53

Enter the teleporter.

Step 54

Step on the white tiles to enter the game area.
You cannot enter while a game is ongoing.

Step 55

Survive in the game area for 2 minutes without being hit by the glowballs. 2 glowballs will be added at the start, and for every 30 seconds the game has gone on. Once the timer hits 0, you will automatically teleport.

Step 56

Enter the teleporter.

Step 57

Note: You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete Steps 58 – 60.
Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 58

Throughout the next several steps, zombies will spawn. You must stand next to the zombies to get rid of them, if there are more than 4 at any point, you will automatically lose.

Stand next to the barrels highlighted and say “*” to check their contents. If the contents are rocks, try again, otherwise say “p” to pick up the contents. Once you have collected 4 items, stand on the light color tile at the top right.

Step 59

Stand on the color tiles to open the gate, and then stand on the color tile in the graveyard to open the citadel doors.

Step 60

Finally, stand on the color tiles next to the citadel doors, and enter them to complete the game.

Step 61

Enter the teleporter.

Step 62

Wait in the queue.

Step 63

This is Hole-in-the-Wall.
You must align yourself with the randomly generated gaps in the wall. Then, depending on their height and width, either say “s” “d” “j” or “l” or click their respective letter to pass through them. The following are when to use each of these options:
Normal Height: Do not click/say anything
Half-height: Say “s” or click S.
Tiny height, normal width: Say “d” or click D.
Off the ground: Say “j” or Click J.
Tiny height, wide width: Say “l” or Click L

Step 64

Enter the teleporter.

Step 65

Note: You will have 3 minutes to complete Step 66.
Wait in the queue.

Step 66

Say “tnt” on the spots highlighted below to plant TNT on the locations. If a minion walks within 1 tile of them, they will explode. Once all the minions have exploded, stand in the leafy areas to dodge the bad puddles. Afterwards, use a cannonball pile to hold a cannonball, and use a cannon to fire. Repeat this 3 times and you will teleport after the 3rd time.

Step 67

Enter the teleporter.

Step 68

You must complete all of these sections in 1 go or you will be teleported back to the start.

Section 1: Walk across the rollers and use the one-way gates. When entering the second one-way gate, the first will rotate to allow you to walk in it. After walking back into the first gate, a pod will appear – step on it to move to the next section.

Section 2: Use the one-way gate and stand on the roller. Wait for the red tile to move off the roller, and use the second set to read the moving space lamp.

Section 3: Stand on the roller and use the one-way gate. You will move to the middle roller, and then enter the middle one-way gate to move to the left. Then, use the final one-way gate and walk back onto the roller. Finally, use the one-way gate again and stand on the spaceship lamp.

Step 69

Enter the teleporter.

Step 70

Complete the roller maze. Once you reach the first white one-way gate, you will move to the green pod. Step off it quickly to avoid being teleported back. Use the Spring Sticks to rotate the gate, and then sit on the pod. It will move automatically, enter the green one-way gate when you reach the end. Finally, complete the roller maze, utilizing the moving pod to cross. Entering the white one-way gate will move you down. Enter the second white one-way gate, and then the final green one-way gate, stepping on the spaceship lamp to continue.

Step 71

Complete the roller maze. The green pod will move between the first 2 green tiles. Once you step on the slate tile, you will move to the second slate tile. Stand on the green roller, and then the white roller. This will spawn 2 green pods. Make your way across without being hit by the starflower. Finally, stand on the open flame tile to complete the step.

Step 72

Enter the teleporter.

Step 73

Note: You will have 2 minutes to complete Step 74.
Wait in the queue.

Step 74

Using the arrow tiles, guide the bot to the end of the maze, only stepping on the color tiles when they are red. There is a slight delay, so step on the arrows when the bot is next to a red color tile.

Step 75

Enter the teleporter.

Step 76

Note: You have 1 minute to complete Steps 77 – 78.
Wait in the queue.

Step 77

Note: If a guard stands next to you, you will teleport out of the game.
Stand next to the highlighted items and say “*” to pick them up.

Step 78

Once you have all the items, stand under the crates to complete the game.

Step 79

Enter the teleporter.

Step 80

Wait in the queue.

Step 81

During this game, you must avoid the moving knights. If you are hit 5 times, you will be teleported back to the queue.

You must click the white button when the highlighted HC is 2 tiles away from you, and then click the anchor to deal damage. Do this 5 times. Once you have done this the 5th time, you will automatically be teleported.

Step 82

Enter the teleporter.

Step 83

Flick the switch for the first badge.

Step 84

Enter the teleporter.

Step 85

Make your way across the room. You must enter the one-way gates fluidly and not stop. If you are hit by the spiders, you will also teleport back to the start. Step on the pods as they appear and then immediately on the flame tile to proceed.

Step 86

Enter the teleporter.

Step 87

Note: You will have 3 minutes to complete Step 88.
Wait in the queue.

Step 88

This next game will be broken up into three rooms, where you must perform specific actions.

Room 1: Use the “Spare Parts Box” – the room will disappear, and reappear jumbled. Stand in the locker when a ghost appears to hide from it. Then, sit in the Lounge Armchair to activate the skeleton and the Zombie Butler. They will start moving, and you must not be hit by them. Grab a cup of blood from the Zombie Butler to proceed.

Room 2: After grabbing a cup of blood, a bot will appear and the second room will open. Avoid being hit by this bot for the rest of the game. You must now use the Spare Parts Boxes to get a “Heart” hand item, and then stand next to the zombie highlighted in blue. Once complete, stand on the tiles highlighted in green. Finally, grab a “test tubes” hand item from the laboratory shelves highlighted in red and stand on the green tiles once more.

Room 3: Finally, sit on the highlighted chair to start downloading the files. This will take 15 seconds. Once the timer is up, the hospital will be covered in flames, and you must not stand in them. A key will be dropped in the second room, step on it to pick it up. (Tip: Once you have started the download, walk back into room 2.) Once you have the key, return to the third room, and stand on the tiles highlighted in blue to proceed.

Step 89

Enter the teleporter.

Step 90

Wait in the queue.

Step 91

Move the football into the hole, a strategy has been provided. Once done, step into the red one-way gate.

Step 92

Move the football into the hole, a strategy has been provided.
Once done, step into the red one-way gate.

Step 93

Move the football into the hole, a strategy has been provided.
Once done, step into the red one-way gate.
If you step on a red tile that does not have the football on it, you will teleport out.

Step 94

Move the football into the hole, a strategy has been provided.
Once done, step into the red one-way gate.
You cannot walk past the 4 cones, so your final shot must be done from behind the cones.

Step 95

Enter the teleporter.

Step 96

This room has multiple distinct sections. They work as follows:
White Section: Every time you step on a roller, the tiles will move onto the rollers. Time your clicks so you do not step on a white tile.

Red Section: Same as the white section.

– Blue Section: Sit on the moving pillows. If you step on a color tile or get hit by the pillows, you will teleport back to the start.

– Green Section: Complete the roller maze.

Step 97

Enter the teleporter.

Step 98

Wait in the queue.

Step 99

The boss will now play 1 of 5 random games. You must clear all 5 games before you can fight the boss. Below are images of the games. You will start with 2 lives, and lose a life every time you are hit. You will earn a life for completing 1 game.

Game 1: Run in the circle to avoid the flames, occasionally, the flames will change directions, so keep a safe distance to avoid being hit.

Game 2: Reload the cannon by using the cannonball piles. Then, shoot the fire demons whilst there is a 2-tile space between you and the demon. After 2 successful shots, you will need to reload. Do this 5 times to move on.

Game 3: Dodge the incoming fire by moving side-to-side.

Game 4: Rocks will spawn around the room, and stand on them to be elevated above the ground. If you do not stand on a rock in time, you will be hit.

Game 5: Complete the simple roller maze. The maze will spawn as you complete previous sections.

Step 100

Finally, the boss will spawn. Walk over to the Blue Katana and click it to grab a sword. Then, get the boss to stand in the water puddles that will spawn under your character. When the boss stands in the water, a message that says “This is your chance to attack!” will show. Stand next to the boss while facing him to hit him. You must do this 3 times. On the 3rd time, you will automatically teleport.

Step 101

Enter the teleporter.

Step 102

Flick the switch to receive your final badge.

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