[HabboQuests] Spooky Musicals
Writer: Exdr
Graphics: krizzycatt
Room Name: [HabboQuests] Fansite Lounge
Room Owner: kalesalad
Click here to be taken there!
Step 1
Use the cupcake tray to receive your first badge and teleport.

Step 2
Enter the teleporter.

Step 3
Choose a color and step on the respective gate. Each round a color will be eliminated until there is only one left. You must survive until the last round and then click the color tile to teleport.

Step 4
Enter the teleporter.

Step 5
Follow the forest path and make your way to the Creeky Stairs only walking when the ghosts are not showing on the graves.

Step 6
Enter the teleporter.

Step 7
Click in front of the pillow or say line to enter the queue and wait patiently for your turn.

Step 8
You must complete the following within 1 minute and 30 seconds:
Play a game of Step On It. Use the banzai teleporters to get to the 6 different color tiles and step on them to change the color tiles to the respective color in the middle. Once you have stepped on all color tiles you must reach the path in the middle and walk towards the gate for it to open. Step on the gate to teleport.

Step 9
Enter the teleporter.

Step 10
Make your way across the room to the couch. Only walk when the lamps are turned off and avoid stepping on the mouse traps or colliding with them.

Step 11
Enter the teleporter.

Step 12
Step on the moving Rafflesia’s and say grab to collect them. Once you’ve collected all 8 of them say done to teleport.

Step 13
Enter the teleporter.

Step 14
Sit on a Yellow Picnic Pillow to receive your final badge.

maze wasnt bad!!! not a fan of the not moving unless a furni is a certain state rooms so the fact there was 2 in 1 short maze… tears but it was a nice easy one, cute badges