
[Habbox] Starry Wonders





Writer: krizzycatt
Graphics: Hamyroww

Room Name: [Habbbox] Room Hallway!
Room Owner: __tbl
Or click here to go there!

Step 1

Enter the teleport on the left side of the room.

Step 2

Sit on the Star Stool highlighted in blue, then enter the teleport highlighted in red.

Step 3

Sit on the Beech Stool highlighted in blue, then enter the teleport highlighted in red.

Step 4

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Enter the teleport.

Step 6

Stand in front of the bot on the tile highlighted in blue, then sit on the pillow highlighted in red.

Step 7

Enter the teleport.

Step 8

Walk to the other side of the room without colliding with the Sea Aliens highlighted in blue. Colliding with Sea Aliens will teleport you back to the start.

Note: The middle part of the maze highlighted in yellow is safe. 

Step 9

Enter the teleport.

Step 10

Walk towards the Cosmos Telescope.

Step 11

Add 1x Rainbow Shards, 1x Light Shards and 1x Fairy Shards into the cauldron by stepping on the highlighted boxes.

Red highlight = Rainbow Shards

Pink highlight = Light Shards

Yellow highlight = Fairy Shards

Step 12

Enter the teleport.

Step 13

Wait in the queue patiently.

Note: This room is a checkpoint, you can leave and come back to the maze from this room.

Step 14

Collect 120 points by stepping on the Red Blobs and all 4 Caged Stars highlighted in red. Avoid collision with the Star Catcher and Flaming Comet. You will automatically be teleported when done.

Note: You have 2 minutes to do so.

Step 15

Enter the teleport.

Step 16

Stand in front of the bot at the red highlighted square and say yes when prompted by the bot.

Step 17

Click the Onsen Wash Bucket (blue highlight) when the Parisian Birds (red highlight) appear. Do this until you are teleported. You will receive a badge when done.


Step 18

Enter the teleporter

Step 19

Walk to the Arrow Tile only stepping on the moving Floating Water Lilies. Stepping on the water will teleport you to the start. 

Note: The room resets every 5 minutes to prevent blocking.

Step 20

Enter the teleport.

Step 21

Click the Shooting Star. It will randomly appear in the sky. Repeat this 10 times.

Step 22

Enter the teleport.

Step 23

Say yes to start the game. Flick the switch shown in the picture below. Say yes again.

Note: This room is a checkpoint, you can leave and come back to the maze from this room.

Step 24

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 25

Guide the Cosmos’ Tethered Star from one end to the other. Avoid collision with the moving Totem Planets. You can only move on the Floor Wiring. If you move away from the path or collide with the Totem Planet, you will be teleported back to the queue.

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete this step.

Step 26

Say yes and flick the switch shown in the picture.

Step 27

Enter the teleport.

Step 28

You should receive your badge automatically upon entering the room. If you did not receive your badge, say exit.


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