HC's Daily Quests - Day 5
Writer: Anna.Marie97
Graphics: Ristofer
Description – Day 5 of the HC’s Daily Quests.
Activate the Quest
Activate the HC’s Daily Quests from the quest menu.
Note: Only HC members can see these quests!

Step One
Wave for 1 minute.
Note: You don’t have to be in a room with people to complete this quest.

Step Two
Once completed, you will receive 20 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Three
Walk on a red roller for 2 minutes.
You can find an auto roller for easy completion in this room
Room Name: HC’s Daily Quests
Owner: Anna.Marie97
Link: https://www.habbo.com/room/79572207

Step Four
Once completed, you will receive 800 Gold Fishes (Seasonal Currency).