NP: Off Air

Let The Show Begin Quest




Writer: BatandBall
Graphics: Vespertila
Activate the Quest

Activate the quest shown in the image below from the quest menu.

Step 1

When you are in a room with more than 10 people, use a Popcorn Machine by double clicking it. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 2

You will now need to wear some different clothing items in order to dress like a ringleader as shown below, to complete this quest. The jacket is only available on the male Habbo Avatar. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 3

To complete this part of the quest, you must walk back and forth from a Performer Spotlight as shown below until the bar on the right reaches 100%. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 4

Use the Drinks Tray to give out 10x Pink Champagne to other Habbos. It can be the same Habbo and doesn’t need to be different users. Once done, you will receive 10 duckets, a badge and 723 Balloons.

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