Neon Prom Quest
Writer: -Eils
Graphics: irving524
Activate the Quest
Activate the Neon Prom Quest quest from the quest menu.

NOTE: If you complete all of the quests in the Neon Nightmare Quest line, you will receive a Toast Backpack!

Step 1
Wear the Braves or Screamers badge you received (click here for the guide). You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 2
Find and use a set of Film Projector teleporters. These can be purchased from the shop for 9 Credits + 10 Diamonds. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 3
Find and sit on a Prom Chair from the NEW Nightmare Prom furni line. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 4
Whilst holding a heart sign, find and click on a Forever Prom Queen. You can find one in the [HNN] Neon Nightmare public room. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 5
Wear the ghost effect. This can be purchased from the shop for 150 Duckets or 1 Credit. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 6
Wearing the ghost effect, go to 5 different rooms with at least 1 person and say “boo”. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 7
Wear the Moonlight Racer badge (click here for the guide). You will receive 300 Pumpkins (Seasonal Currency) when done.

thank you for the guide!