Wolf on the Loose Quest
Writer: Exdr
Graphics: Kevnn
Activate the Quest
Activate the Wolf on the Loose! quest from the quest menu.

NOTE: If you complete all of the quests in the Neon Nightmare Quest line, you will receive a Toast Backpack!

Step 1
Activate the werewolf effect. This can be purchased from the shop under Clothing > Effects for 3 Credits. Place the effect in a room, use it and wear it. Activate the next quest.

Step 2
While wearing the werewolf effect, go to 5 different rooms and say Aaaa-wooo!. These can be your own rooms and they do not need to have other people in it. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.
Note: The effect can glitch at times when changing rooms so it is possible that you will have to enable it again.

Step 3
Find a Plate of Brains in a room and double click it. You can also get the item from the Builders Club under Hot now > Hween Comeback and place it in your own room to use. You will receive 10 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 4
Say luna plena in a room to finish the quest. You will receive 300 Pumpkins (Seasonal Currency) and a badge when done.

Super easy quest. Thanks for the guide!