NP: Lin-Manuel Miranda - My Shot
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

[WishHabbo] Wishlympics 2024




Writer: BatandBall
Graphics: Anna.Marie97
Step One

Enter the teleporter shown below.


Step Two

Double click on one of the ticket machines to grab a ticket to teleport.

Step Three

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Four


You must sit on the football bench to be teleported.

Step Five

Answer the telephrase with the responses in the order as shown below:

  1. 1896
  2. 1988
  3. United States
  4. John Pius Boland
  5. Venus Williams
  6. Seoul
  7. Great Britain
  8. Clay
  9. London 2012
  10. Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka
  11. France

Step Six

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Seven

You can enter the queue through either one-way gate (pink or blue). You have 1 minute to complete the game. 

Step Eight

Once you are inside, you will need to perform a few actions on each colored tile. You must wave by saying o/ on the green tile, thumbs up on the yellow tile by saying _b, sit on the orange and pink tiles by saying :sit, blow a kiss on the red tile by saying :kiss and dance on the blue tile. Even if you are Non-HC, you can say :kiss and it would still be completed. 

Step Nine

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Ten

You must wait in the queue for your turn.

Step Eleven

You have 30 seconds to complete this game. Cassandra (The Lifeguard Bot) will shout a direction, which will be either Right! Or Left! You can either click the rotating red arrow or type shoot when it is facing the direction where the Bot wants you to send the ball to. You should type shoot or click on the arrow within 8 seconds each time otherwise you get sent back to the queue. After 30 seconds are gone, you will be teleported and should receive the first badge.

Step Twelve

You should have received your first badge here. If you didn’t, you can double click the switch. Once you have the badge, double click the Teleport behind you. 

Step Thirteen

Make your way around the whole track and jump the hurdles while dodging the moving glow balls. If a glow ball hits you, it sends you back to the start. Once you have completed the lap, you will be sent to the teleport. 

Step Fourteen

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Fifteen

You must say Golf to teleport into the queue. 

Step Sixteen

You have to wait in the queue. Once you make it to the purple roller, make sure to double click the one-way gate quickly as there is 10 second anti-camp wired, so you will be sent outside the queue, if you don’t enter. 

Step Seventeen

You have 1 minute to complete this game. Your job is to kick the ball down the course, towards the bridges. 

Step Eighteen

You must bring the ball to one of the areas marked below, which look like small green circles. Once there, you must say * to get the ball across the bridge and the water to the other side, while you are standing behind the ball. You can now walk over the bridge to the other side. 

Step Nineteen

Once on the other side, you must bring the ball to this exact spot and then you wait for a bit for the timer and then you will be automatically teleported if you are successful. 

Step Twenty

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Twenty One

You must double click the ticket machine as shown below to be teleported to the queue.

Step Twenty Two

You must wait in the queue patiently. 

Step Twenty Three

You have 40 seconds to complete this game. Once you have been transported into a kayak, it is your job to click on all the blue and red balls as shown below, while moving through the gates, which will turn the red lights beside each ball into green. You have to successfully light up all 8 lights which you see through the gates in order to complete the game and be teleported to the end. 

Step Twenty Four

Enter the teleporter shown below.

Step Twenty Five

You must click on the spot marked in the picture below to receive your lovely final badge. 

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