Our Pledge » HabboDefense
HabboDefense is 100% committed to the Habbo Fansite Policy and the Habbo Way!
The leadership team at HabboDefense Fansite is committed to adhering to the Habbo Fansite Policy. We recognize and respect the intellectual property rights of Habbo, Sulake, and Azerion and pledge to operate within the bounds laid down by Habbo’s policy, which can be found here:

Section 1 - General Terms and Conditions
Revocable Permission: We acknowledge that the permission granted by Habbo to create and maintain a Fan Site based on Habbo IP is revocable at Habbo’s sole discretion. Our Fansite aims to be tasteful, and has no commercial (monetary) objective.
Social Media Use: Any use of Habbo IP on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter will fully comply with this Policy and the policies of those respective platforms.
Ownership Rights: We understand that our permission to operate does not alter Habbo’s ownership of all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Habbo IP.
No Endorsement: The Habbo Defense Fansite will not represent itself as being endorsed or approved by Habbo.
Prohibited Links: Our Fansite will never link to websites that promote or exploit cheats or hacks to Habbo sites or any retro or scam sites.
Trade Dress: We will not utilize Habbo’s trade dress in a manner that would cause confusion regarding Habbo’s association with our Fansite.
Domain Name: Our domain name will not mimic or closely resemble Habbo’s trademarks or proprietary domains.
Derogatory Usage: We will not use the Habbo IP in a derogatory manner.
Content Guidelines: All content on our Fansite will comply with the Habbo Way and will not contain any inappropriate material. Spam: We will not spam about our Fansite on Habbo.
Logo Use: If permitted, we will use the official Habbo Fan Site logo and link it to the Habbo.com website.
Social Media Accounts: We will use our social media platforms to promote Fansite events that will align with Habbo’s guidelines. As of this moment, HabboDefense and the USDF military agency use the following social media platforms:
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/usdfhabbo
- X (formerly Twitter:) https://twitter.com/USDFHabbo
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@usdf
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@usdfhabbo
Conduct: We acknowledge that we are responsible for our conduct within and outside Habbo, including on social media platforms, and pledge to oversee a safe and fun environment for all Habbo’s.
Giveaways: When HabboDefense hosts giveaways, we acknowledge that we are fully responsible for delivering the prizes.
Section 2 - Specific Conditions
Virtual Currencies: We will only use permissible virtual currencies under Habbo’s policy and never ask for real money in exchange for any transactions.
Safety: Player safety is our number one priority at HabboDefense. We will adhere to the safety tips and guidelines as suggested by Habbo during the registration process on our Fansite and promote strong guidelines for the entire Habbo community to stay vigilant and safe.
Team Collaboration: We pledge that our Fansite is a collaborative space where all content submitted to us has the prior approval of the content creator. HabboDefense will never steal content or materials.
Section 3 – Official Fan Site Status
We acknowledge the process for registering as an Official Fan Site and strive to fulfill all conditions.
Although HabboDefense is new and not officially recognized as an official site, we will continue to conduct ourselves as if we were.
Section 4 – Disclaimers
We will prominently display the disclaimers specified in Habbo’s Fansite Policy, and it will be at the footer of every webpage.
Sections 5-9 - Legalities and Limitations
We understand and accept all disclaimers of warranties, limitations of liability, and other legal aspects laid out in Habbo’s Fansite Policy.
By maintaining this Fansite, we pledge our commitment to adhere strictly to all the terms and conditions stipulated in the Habbo Fansite Policy. We look forward to contributing positively to the Habbo community while operating within the established guidelines.
Date: September 12, 2023
Signed: Controllable. (from Habbo.com)

On behalf of the HabboDefense.com leadership team.
HabboDefense.com is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Sulake Oy or its Affiliates. This Fansite may use Habbo’s trademarks and other intellectual property, which is permitted under Habbo Fan Site Policy.