NP: Off Air

United Nations – August Newsletter Release

UN announced that their August Newsletter has been released. It comes with prizes that a variety of people won.

Date: 2 SEP 23

United Nations – luminat Promotion

luminat has officially passed her trial period and is now the newest EU Official OOA. Congratulations to her!

Date: 03 SEP 23

Secret Service – Upcoming HQ Remodeling

The Secret Service as of this moment is planning for renovation of HQ. Many personnel are seen in the HQ wearing Hard Hats and personnel confirmed that two days ago they had closed for renovations, the USDF and OISA do wish to experience the new HQ soon.

Date: 3 SEP 23

Central Intelligence Agency – Farewell to RawrKnow

RawrKnow has unfortunately stepped down from his position due to real life commitments. He has been a great asset to CIA during his tenure and will be missed!

Date: 4 SEP 23

Department of the Air Force – Podcast

DoAF will be hosting their first podcast episode on the 11th of September. The hosts are Owen? & Nick1x. For their first episode, they will be inviting .tee to join them.

Date: 5 SEP 23

Ministry of Magic – Back to School

On 11 SEP 23, The Ministry of Magic will be hosting a series of Habbo games to commemorate back to school, they will be Attack Games, Grocery List, and Danger Pods as well as other games that will be played. The Events are open to the Public and I would recommend you should play.

Date: 09 SEP 23

Naval Criminal Investigative Service – Closure

As many of you know, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) on has been a long sustaining ally of USDF, dating all the way back to October 29th, 2020. Unfortunately, we must end this chapter following the closure of their organization. An organization that has been a pillar of support and mutual respect for our community filled with many great memories.

We would like to thank NCIS for their unwavering dedication in maintaining such a strong alliance and for making us feel welcome at all times. We have created many joint events in the past, celebrated each other’s achievements and most importantly of all, we have collectively worked on contributing to the continued success and safety of the group floor. If you see any of their former personnel visiting our HQ, please ensure you make them feel welcome.

Date: 09 SEP 23

United States of America – First Inauguration

The United States of America will be hosting it’s inauguration on the 10 SEP 23, at the Capitol exterior.
President: Mastership
Vice President: Obsodian

Date: 10 SEP 23

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