NP: Robin S - Show Me Love
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Difficulty (Easy)

Room Name: Christmas Rescue Mission
Room Owner: noodlesoup

Written By: Ayain / Graphics By: Ayain

Step 1

Be patient in the queue while waiting for your turn!

Step 2

Flick the levers highlighted in the photo to change the color tile beside it to red. There are a total of five levers in the room so you’ll have to complete all of them.

Step 3

Now, go to each lever one at a time and flick it until the red tile shows a red book. When the red book pops up, say “*pick up*” and proceed to the drop basket beside the Cook in the east section of the room. 

Don’t let the Grinch steal your books; avoid him at all costs!

Step 4

After dropping off all five books into the basket, stand on top of the bridge and say, “*Rescue mission completed*”. You will then automatically get both the badge and the adorable penguin statue!

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