NP: Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Difficulty (Medium)

Room Name: [HabboQuests] Celestial Isles Entrance!
Room Owner: Sammzi

Written By: CheesyRyan / Graphics By: Natallie

Step 1

Enter the teleporter.

Step 2

Answer the telephrase.
1. Constellation
2. Black hole
3. Jupiter
4. Milky way
5. 75

Step 3

Enter the teleporter.

Step 4

Enter the teleporter.

Step 5

Flick the 4 switches, and say done to teleport.

Step 6

Complete the roller puzzle below without stepping on the color tile.

Step 7

Enter the teleporter.

Step 8

Enter the teleporter.

Step 9

Flick the switch to open the next gate while avoiding the bunnies moving around in the switch.

Step 10

Enter the teleporter.

Step 11

Flick the switch to receive your first badge, then enter the teleporter.

Step 12

Click the duck to join the queue, and wait patiently.

Step 13

Every 10 seconds, two color tiles will change colors. Head to the color’s item and click it to pick it up. Walk to the same color tile to gain a point. You need 5 points to teleport. Note: You have 1 minute and 5 seconds for this game.

Step 14

Enter the teleporter.

Step 15

Enter the teleporter.

Step 16

Complete the roller maze, and use the cloud at the correct time to move across the platform. There is a checkpoint after the first sections.

Step 17

Enter the teleporter.

Step 18

Enter the teleporter.

Step 19

Complete the puzzle without stepping on the flowers, and head to the arrow tile to teleport.
Note: You have 5 minutes before it reset.

Step 20

Enter the teleporter.

Step 21

Enter the teleporter.

Step 22

Sit on the bench to receive your badge! Congrats!

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