NP: Off Air

Difficulty (Easy & Hard)

Room Name: Cat Maze Entrance
Room Owner: AuraAurora

Written By: :Pepper / Graphics By: Nuella

Step 1 (Entrance)

To obtain the two badges, you need to complete the respective parts of this event:

– Part 1: View Steps 2 to 29 in this guide

– Part 2: View Steps 30 to 46 in this guide

Step 2

Enter the teleporter.

Step 3

Flick the switch.

Step 4

Bring the fish near the cat to teleport.

Step 5

Enter the teleporter.

Step 6

Step on any of the highlighted boxes to teleport.

Step 7

Enter the teleporter.

Step 8

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 9

Bring Cone Cat Carter to the patio by stepping only on the water lily. Say “*pick up*” on the monster plant to carry Carter. Falling into the water will reset the course.
Note: You have 45 seconds to complete this.

Step 10

Enter the teleporter.

Step 11

Grab the tap water hand item from the fridge highlighted in red and bring it to the marble tile. Avoid stepping on the mouse traps. Once the barrel is filled with water, say “done” to teleport.
Note: You need to do this five times.

Step 12

Enter the teleporter.

Step 13

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 14

Grab a bone from the monster plant highlighted in red and walk to the dogs to give them the bone.
Note: You must be facing them to give the bone. You have 1 minute and 45 seconds to complete this.

Step 15

Make your way to the ladder and guide it to the patio by the house.

Step 16

The ladder will lock in place. Say “*climb*” to teleport to the top of the house and “*rescue*” to rescue the cat from the roof.

Step 17

Enter the teleporter.

Step 18

Double-click the boxes to place the cats on the roller. The order in which the cats are selected is random. You must guess the correct order and say “xreset” if the door does not open.

Step 19

The door will open once you have guessed the code—step in it to teleport.

Step 20

Enter the teleporter.

Step 21

Make your way to the coloured tile to start the story. Follow steps 22 through 26 carefully. 

Step 22

Flick the switch to grab water for Peter. Step onto the coloured tile to change the colour to yellow.

Flick the switch to grab a cookie for Peter. Step onto the coloured tile to change the colour to orange.

Step 23

Peter will ask you to tidy the room and pick up the paper balls. Stand on the paint and say “*clean*”. Go to the paper balls and say “*pick up*”. Step on the coloured tile to turn it red.

Step 24

Peter will ask you to turn on some music. Facing in the direction shown below, say “*turn on*”. Step on the coloured tile to turn it pink.

Step 25

Peter will ask you to bring Luna some food. Flick the switch to grab a fish and bring it back to Peter on the coloured tile. This will turn it blue.

Step 26

Peter will ask you to grab a blue book. Go to the bookshelf and say, “*grab book*”. Bring the book back to Peter. The coloured tile will turn green and automatically teleport you.

Step 27

Enter the teleporter.

Step 28

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 29

Make your way to the highlighted green tile before the cat arrives. Flick the switch to turn the colour tile beneath it green. On the green tile, say “*locks*” to teleport and receive the badge.

Step 30

Return to the main room and enter the teleporter for the hard maze.

Step 31

Complete the snake maze. Stand only on the pink roller when the blanket reaches the roller marked with “x”. Use the pink gate while avoiding the colliding cat. Flick the moving switch twice to turn the coloured tile green. Step on the green tile to teleport.

Step 32

Enter the teleporter.

Step 33

Complete the snake maze. Step on the roller colour the cat is on. Flick the switch at the end on the pod to turn the colour tile pink. Step on the pink tile to teleport.

Step 34

Enter the teleporter.

Step 35

Complete the snake maze. Time your steps on the first set of pods to get to area 2. Using the purple pod, flick the switch four times to turn the coloured tile pink before stepping on it. Flick the switch to turn the left tile pink in area 3 before stepping on it. Complete the triple one-way gates in area 4 and stand on the flame to teleport.

Step 36

Enter the teleporter.

Step 37

Complete the snake maze. Click the first one-way gate, then immediately click the second moving gate before stepping on the roller underneath. Flick the switch while sitting in the chair and avoid colliding with the cats. Follow the pod across the brown tiles while flicking both switches to rotate the gates. Complete the 4 one-way gates before stepping on the blue tile. Use the gate highlighted in white. Click the cat to change the colour tile, and step on the tile to teleport.

Step 38

Enter the teleporter.

Step 39

Complete the snake maze. Use the pancake furni until you get a candy apple while avoiding being hit. Step on the red tile and go through the gates. Once you get to the white gates, go back and forth until the red gates are aligned. Step on the red tile and flick the moving switch without colliding with the skeleton cat. Once the coloured tiles are red, step on them to teleport to the moving rollers. Run with the rollers and colour tiles before using the rotating gate at the end.

Step 40

Enter the teleporter.

Step 41

Complete the snake maze. Flick the switch to turn the colour tile yellow before stepping on it. At the gates highlighted in green, go back and forth until the tiles underneath them change yellow. A white pod will drop down. Click the pod to go to the next section. Use the white gate to turn the colour tile yellow, but don’t go through all the way. Using the white pods, click the ice cream machine to change the tile colours to yellow. Use the gate at the end when it rotates to teleport.

Step 42

Enter the teleporter. 

Step 43

Complete the snake maze. Use the banzai to get to the gate. Step into the rotating gate to drop down 4 gates. Step on the halo tile to teleport to the next section. Use the cat doll to rotate the gate and click the moving tile to teleport.

Step 44

Enter the teleporter.

Step 45

Complete the snake maze. Walk back and forth through the first set of gates to turn the tiles pink. Once the bowl disappears, step on the tile and run with the moving pink tiles, making sure you don’t step on red. Complete the multiple one-way gates. Using the tiki lei, click the furni on each colour tile to drop down 4 gates. Go through the gates and step on the colour tile when it is pink. A pod and gate will drop down. Use the gate highlighted in yellow and make your way to the pink cushion. Rotate the gate at the end by flicking the switch twice while on the cushion. Use the gate to teleport.

Step 46

Flick the switch to receive the final badge!

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