NP: Off Air

Written by: ChickenFajita,
Graphics by: Anna.Marie97

The United States Defense Force (USDF) is the largest military simulation on the Habbo hotel. In this guide, you will learn more about how we operate day to day!

USDF has over 500 active personnel, distributed throughout a variety of ranks. Our ranks mirror the United States Military ranks in order to be an accurate simulation. We operate from Enlisted to Non-Commissioned Officers to Chief Warrant Officers to Officers, and then into the Executive Level positions, which include the Secretary of Defense and their Deputy. 

Within USDF, there are ten different Offices that personnel are able to begin joining once they achieve the rank of E4. Within these offices, we have trainers, event hosts, foreign affairs, military police, security, transfers, exam builders, policy makers, and judges. We also have opportunities for those who want to get involved in synchronous drilling, football, and fansite affairs. 

One of the biggest things that USDF prides itself on are our training opportunities. We offer a variety of trainings through what we call “FEATs” – Further Education and Trainings. Throughout these FEATs, personnel are given a variety of tips and tricks of how to be successful in the military, how to keep themselves safe online, and how to incorporate various leadership techniques in their day to day real lives. 

After you obtain various FEATs, personnel are eligible for promotions. One of the key things that the USDF does is ensure that personnel are recognized. Every few months, we host large ceremonies (“parades”) where we take the time to acknowledge hundreds of personnel, whether it be in the form of position appointments, promotions, medals, or a mixture of the three. 

The most unique thing about the USDF? Or professional development. We ensure that members, from NCOs to Senior Officers, are adequately equipped with knowledge to perform their day to day duties, one of which includes overseeing hundreds of personnel. One aspect of this that the USDF initiated on the groups floor was the Officer Candidate School. This is a month-long course where aspiring Officers learn the tips and tricks of how to be successful within the military, many of which are applicable to their real life situations!

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