NP: Off Air

Agate Maze




Writers: -Eils & Anna.Marie97
Graphics: Anna.Marie97

Room Name: ‘+.* Agate *.+’
Room Owner: Shh

EASY MODE: follow Steps 1 – 6
HARD MODE: follow Steps 7 – 11

Step 1

Step on the green tiles to teleport.

Step 2

Complete the roller maze, using the moving pods to cross the rollers then enter through the rotating one way gate. Camping on the pods will teleport you back to the start.

Step 3

Make your way to the color tiles and step on them to turn the tiles green, whilst avoiding collision with the crystal. The one way gate will rotate when done. Step on to the wall of flame when the fire is not active to teleport.

Step 4

Complete the roller maze, whilst avoiding the moving heather patches. Sit on the pod which will move you towards the switch. Flick the switch to rotate the one way gate then enter to teleport.

Step 5

Make your way across the rollers whilst avoiding the moving heather patch. Enter through the one way gates, then flick the switch to turn off the wall of flame. Step on the flame to teleport to the next brown tile. Walk only on the moving green tile then enter the one way gate to teleport.

Step 6

Use the black roses to receive your badge.

Step 7

Enter through the one way gates then walk with the moving flame trap. Enter through the next one way gate, then a roller will appear on the tile highlighted in red allowing you to step on the pod. You will then teleport to the first brown tile on the other side. Once again walk with the moving flame trap, and keep flicking the switch to rotate the one way gate. Enter the one way gate to teleport.

Step 8

Complete the roller maze. Avoid stepping on the active flame trap. Keep stepping on the color tile to turn it green, which will rotate the one way gate. Enter the one way gate then sit on the pod the teleport. The pod teleports between the two brown tiles at the end.

Step 9

Cross over the rollers and enter the one way gate to move to the next part. Quickly enter the one way gate and step on the color tile to turn it green, then reenter the gate again where a new roller will appear. Cross the rollers and step on the color tile only when it is green, whilst avoiding the moving glow ball. Use the one way gates, which will then move them for you to do again, then step on the flame trap when it isn’t active.

Step 10

Complete the final maze.Cross through the one way gates, the one highlighted below moves. Walk with the flame traps to get to the last one to teleport to the last section. Enter through the one way gates to turn the tiles green and rotate the last gate. Enter the last gate and step on the flame trap to teleport.

Step 11

Use the black roses to receive your badge.

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