NP: Daryl Hall & John Oates - You Make My Dreams (Come True)
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Difficulty (Easy)

Room Name: [Ducket] Maze Entrance 1
Room Owner: Summersuns

Written By: zqam / Graphics By: -Eils

Step 1

Complete the snake maze. You must grab a candy apple, as highlighted, to proceed.

Step 2

Enter the teleporter.

Step 3

Cross to the other side, using only the Patio tiles. If you stand on the water, you will teleport back.

Step 4

Enter the teleporter.

Step 5

Make your way to the other side of the room, only walking when the lamps are green, as shown below.

Step 6

Enter the teleporter.

Step 7

Make your way across the room, avoiding the moving animals. If you are hit, you will teleport back to the start.

Step 8

Enter the teleporter.

Step 9

Complete the snake maze. There are 2 alternative paths. If you take the red path, you must flick the switches to open the gates, and avoid the moving Lil’ Dancing Plant along the way. Sit on the highlighted chair to proceed.

Step 10

Enter the teleporter.

Step 11

Get to the other side of the tile path, stepping only on the color tiles when they match the ones highlighted below.

Step 12

Enter the teleporter

Step 13

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 14

You have 60 seconds for this step.

Use the banzai’s, step on the colour tiles until the path in the middle is completely filled. Once the path is filled, sit on the green pillows to continue.

Step 15

Enter the teleporter.

Step 16

Complete the roller maze, stepping only when the dog is on the same colored roller.

Step 17

Enter the teleporter.

Step 18

Flick the 10 hidden switches to turn the tiles green, and say “done” once completed to teleport.

Step 19

Enter the teleporter.

Step 20

Complete the roller maze. The tiles will move onto the rollers, use the bunny below to time your clicks.

Step 21

Complete the roller maze. The tiles will move onto the rollers, use the butterfly below to time your clicks.

Step 22

Complete the roller maze, timing your clicks to go through the rotating one-way gates.

Step 23

Enter the teleporter.

Step 24

Make your way to the other side, avoiding the moving plants.

Step 25

Flick the switch to receive your first badge, if you didn’t already, and enter the teleporter.

Step 26

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 27

Walk onto each red highlighted tile, and repeat their order on the blue highlighted tile, before returning back to the previous tile, to turn it green. Once all three tiles are green, say “done” to teleport.

Step 28

Enter the teleporter.

Step 29

Collide with all the moving white flowers, and sit on the white pillow that spawns to continue.

Step 30

Enter the teleporter.

Step 31

Complete the telephrase, the answers are:

  1. LeeSafe
  2. Duckets
  3. Credits
  4. Badges
  5. Pineapple
  6. Fridge Game
  7. A Snow Drift
  8. 2009
  9. 100 Billion

Step 32

Enter the teleporter.

Step 33

Sit on the moving seats until one teleports you.

Step 34

Enter the teleporter.

Step 35

Complete the snake maze, avoiding being tripped by the bunny, stepping on the color tiles when they are green, and using the Log Chairs to move across.

Step 36

Enter the teleporter.

Step 37

Flick the switch to receive your final badge.

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