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Configuration Furni

Writer: GTECH6
Graphics: GTECH6

In this article, you will learn about the room configuration furniture, which was released on Habbo in December 2023. As of March 2024, there are 5 room configuration furni in total.

What is Configuration Furni?

Configuration Furni are a new type of utility furniture – with just a double-click and room rights, you can modify the rules of a room in ways you couldn’t before. It is also possible to integrate them with wired, allowing for even more fine tuned control.

Configuration Furni

Roller Speed Controller

This furni will modify the speed of all rollers in the room. The available speeds are 0.5s, 1s, 1.5s and 2s (room default).

Useful for custom speed roller mazes and quicker queues.

Wired Disabler

This furni simply disables the ability to activate wired in the room. This means that you will not be able to activate any wired while this config furni is on, however any delayed wired that started beforehand will run normally. You can toggle this furni to enable wired activation again.

Useful for stopping moving furni while you’re still working on the wired – in the past you would have to de-construct the entire stack to stop the furni from moving.

Handitem Blocker

This furni disables the ability to give and drop handitems. Once activated, the drop and give handitem options in the context menu will disappear. You can toggle this furni again to bring back the options.

Useful for preventing player disruption in handitem games, such as Fridge Game.

Invisible Furni Controller

This furni allows you to hide invisible furniture such as “Invisible Block,” “Stack Magic Tile,” “Walk Magic Tile,” “Invisible Walk Tile” and “Invisible Chair Tile.” While hidden, they continue to function as normal. You can toggle this furni again to bring back the sprites of the invisible furniture.

Useful for hiding collision boxes in the room, allowing players to immerse themselves in your room without seeing the “utility marking.”

Note: This furni cannot be hidden by a Room Area Hider.

Room Area Hider

This furni allows you to hide areas of the room. 

When turned on, it will hide anything in the drawn area, excluding the Room Area Hider (this can be modified by ticking “Make this furni invisible” and toggling an Invisible Furni Controller).

The Room Area Hider can be toggled with wired, allowing for new games!

Useful for hiding wired stacks in rooms, whether it be to remove wired box animation lag or to prevent others from copying your wired setup.

This furni could also be used to create games that depend on proximity vision, such as Escape Room.

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