RARE Divine Reindeer

HabboDefense RARE Divine Reindeer Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Kahterine Graphics: viktor? Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Rares and purchase the RARE Divine Reindeer for 40 Credits and 40 Diamonds.
Xmas Scavenger Hunt Quest

HabboDefense Xmas Scavenger Hunt Quest Badge Writer: Vespertila Graphics: Vespertila Activate the Quest Activate the Xmas Scavenger Hunt quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Find a Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and click on it. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest. Step 2 Find a Holiday Santa Fortune Teller and […]
Dining Hall Bundle

HabboDefense Dining Hall Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Anna.Marie97 Graphics: Anna.Marie97 Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Room Bundles to purchase the Dining Hall Bundle for 99 credits OR 45 credits + 45 diamonds. You can also purchase this bundle directly from the Habbo Shop, to save 50%.
[CCH] Rescue Neighbor Phil

HabboDefense [CCH] Rescue Neighbor Phil Badge Difficulty Easy Writer: Yuusa Graphics: Stork Room Name: [CCH] Christmas 2024Room Owner: noodlesoupOr click here to go there! Step 1 Say :tele2 and enter the teleport. Step 2 Enter the line and wait patiently. Step 3 Step on the ring plate to receive the phone. Stand next to each number until […]
Helping Others Quest

HabboDefense Helping Others Quest Badge Writer: -Eils Graphics: Stork Activate the Quest Activate the Habbo Traditional – Helping others quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Send 3 gifts to other Habbos. The cheapest way to do this is to send 1c furni, however whatever you send is up to you! You will receive 492 […]
Bavarian Christmas Bundle

HabboDefense Bavarian Christmas Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Kahterine Graphics: viktor? Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Room Bundles to purchase the Bavarian Christmas Bundle for 99 Credits or 45 Credits and 45 Diamonds. You can also purchase this bundle directly from the Habbo Shop, to save 50%.
RARE Morning Waves

HabboDefense RARE Morning Waves Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Kahterine Graphics: Vespertila Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Rares and purchase the RARE Morning Waves for 45 Credits and 45 Diamonds.
Competition: Create an Xmas Postcard!

HabboDefense Competition: Create an Xmas Postcard! Badge Difficulty Easy Writer: Stork Graphics: -Eils The Competition Habbo are hosting an Xmas Postcard competition! More information can be found in their news article here. If you aren’t sure what to do, follow our guide step by step to find out how you can enter the competition! Step […]
[CCH] Street Explorer

HabboDefense [CCH] Street Explorer Badge Difficulty Medium Writer: -Eils Graphics: irving524 Room Name: [CCH] Christmas 2024Room Owner: noodlesoupOr click here to go there! Step 1 Say :tele1 then enter the teleporter. Step 2 Step in front of Timothy, who can be found on the left hand side of the room. Find and stand on 10x […]
It’s all about Family Quest

HabboDefense It’s all about Family Quest Badge Writer: -Eils Graphics: Anna.Marie97 Activate the Quest Activate the Habbo Traditional – It’s all about Family quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Head to the [CCH] Christmas 2024 public room. Rudolph the Elf (a bot) will say one of four phrases every 5 minutes. Each time a […]