The Rise of the Gladiators Quest

HabboDefense The Rise of the Gladiators Quest Badge Writer: -Eils Graphics: -Eils Activate the Quest Activate the The Rise of the Gladiators quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Head to The Coliseum owned by noodlesoup and say I’m a gladiator! to complete the quest. You will receive 10 Duckets when done. Activate the next […]

Chill Modern Bundle

HabboDefense Chill Modern Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Kahterine Graphics: viktor? Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Room Bundles to purchase the Chill Modern Bundle for 45 credits and 45 diamonds or 99 credits.

[Habbox] Two Shades, One Masterpiece​

HabboDefense [Habbox] Two Shades, One Masterpiece Badge Difficulty Easy Writer: Exdr Graphics: Vespertila Room Name: [Habbox] Official Rooms Hallway!Room Owner: __tblOr click here to go there! Step 1 Enter the teleporter. Step 2 Enter the teleporter. Step 3 Walk towards Benji to be teleported onto him. Then say *belly scratches* to be teleported. Step 4 […]

Steps of Dreams

HabboDefense Steps of Dreams Badge Difficulty Easy Writer: Exdr Graphics: viktor? Room Name: Steps of DreamsRoom Owner: noodlesoupOr click here to go there! Step 1 Patiently wait in the queue. Step 2 You now have 1 minute to complete the following: Once it’s your turn you will be shown 5 red colored tiles for a […]

RARE Fluffy Cloud Tree

HabboDefense RARE Fluffy Cloud Tree Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: DerpDerp554 Graphics: Hamyroww Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Rares and purchase the RARE Fluffy Cloud Tree for 35 credits + 35 diamonds.

Cloud Castle Bundle

HabboDefense Cloud Castle Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Vespertila Graphics: Caliste Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Room Bundles to purchase the Cloud Castle Bundle for 190 credits + 190 diamonds. You can also purchase this bundle directly from the Habbo Shop, to save 50%.

Dream Kingdom Crafting Quest

HabboDefense Dream Kingdom Crafting Quest Badge Writer: Anna.Marie97 Graphics: Anna.Marie97 Activate the Quest Activate the Dream Kingdom Crafting quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Craft the Opulent Star.You will need the following items:x1 Storybook Pages (Dreamy Storybook)x1 Storybook Paper Plane (Dreamy Storybook)x1 Moon Shard (Dreamy Mirror) You will receive 10 Duckets when done. Activate […]

RARE Celestial Jellyfish Hair

HabboDefense RARE Celestial Jellyfish Hair Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: -Eils Graphics: Anna.Marie97 Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Rares and purchase the RARE Celestial Jellyfish Hair for 45 Credits + 45 Diamonds.

Habboween Pact Quest

HabboDefense Habboween Pact Quest Badge Writer: krizzycatt Graphics: Hamyroww Activate the Quest Activate the Habboween Pact quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Purchase the 2023 Habboween Lovelock from the store. You can buy this for 6 Credits and 10 Diamonds in the shop under Shop > Furni > Hot Now > Returning: 2023 Habboween […]

[HNN] Vampire’s Dark Chamber! Quest​

HabboDefense [HNN] Vampire’s Dark Chamber! Quest Badge Writer: Exdr Graphics: Vespertila Activate the Quest Activate the Vampire’s Dark Chamber! quest from the quest menu. Step 1 Wear either the “Posssessed Eyes” or the “Demonic Eyes“. Both can be bought for 3 credits each by opening the Shop and navigating to Clothing > Accessories. You will […]

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