RARE Dragon Fountain

HabboDefense RARE Dragon Fountain Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Vilyae Graphics: BoomyJR Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Rares and purchase the Dragon Fountain for 50 Credits + 50 Diamonds.

Game Guide: Bingo​

HabboDefense Game Guide: Bingo Writer: -Eils Graphics: -Eils Introduction Bingo is a luck based game. The aim of the game is simple – you want to match the same number as the host each round as quickly as possible. The traditional game originally was hosted using dice, however due to the gambling ban introduced in […]

Ice Cream Parlour Bundle

HabboDefense Ice Cream Parlour Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Aqualuvsyou Graphics: buckyyyyy Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Room Bundles to purchase the Ice Cream Parlour Bundle for 45 credits + 45 diamonds or 99 credits. You can also purchase this bundle directly from the Habbo Shop, to save 50%. […]

New Achievements!

HabboDefense New Achievements! Writer: -Eils Graphics: Caliste As part of the Great Trade Expo event Habbo are hosting at the end of February, Habbo have released 9 brand new Achievements! These achievements cater to a wide audience on Habbo, from Collectible traders to even Agency workers. Like all achievements, you gain a badge for each […]

[WishHabbo] Galentine’s Day

HabboDefense [WishHabbo] Galentine’s Day Badge Difficulty Easy Writer: Yuusa Graphics: buckyyyyy Room Name: [WishHabbo] Fansite LoungeRoom Owner: PeacheryOr click here to go there! Step 1 Enter the teleporter. Step 2 Turn the tiles green by doing the things listed below in any order. Use the Courtyard Fountain. Click the Scented Candles. Sit on the Spa […]

Bonnie Blonde’s Dragon Lamp

HabboDefense Bonnie Blonde’s Dragon Lamp Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Aqualuvsyou Graphics: Caliste Buy the Rare Navigate to the Habbo shop and purchase the new Bonnie Blonde’s Dragon Lamp. This offer is unavailable in the hotel and can only be purchased from the Habbo website.

Wired Guide: Anti-AFK Seats

HabboDefense Wired Guide: Anti-AFK Seats Writer: PrefireStar Graphics: buckyyyyy Introduction In this article, you will learn how to wire Anti-AFK Seats on Habbo Hotel. There are different ways to accomplish this but within this guide will be the simplest setup.  What you Need: 1x Chair1x WIRED Trigger: User Performs Action1x WIRED Effect: Show Message1x WIRED […]

Eco Garden Bundle

HabboDefense Eco Garden Bundle Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Aqualuvsyou Graphics: buckyyyyy Buy the Bundle Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Room Bundles to purchase the Eco Garden Bundle for 90 Credits and 90 Diamonds or 199 Credits. You can also purchase this bundle directly from the Habbo Shop, to save 50%. Bundle Preview

Collectible Raccoon Sculpture

HabboDefense Collectible Raccoon Sculpture Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: Vilyae Graphics: Caliste Buy the Sculpture Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Furni > Hot now > Garden Sculpture Series and purchase the Raccoon Sculpture for 25 Credits + 10 Diamonds. Habbo Series Quest As part of Habbo’s Garden Sculpture campaign this month, you can earn […]

RARE Valentines Groom

HabboDefense RARE Valentines Groom Badge Difficulty Paid Writer: MariaMint Graphics: Vespertila Buy the Rare Open the Habbo shop and navigate to Clothing > Rare Clothing and purchase the RARE Valentines Groom for 45 credits + 45 diamonds.

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