[CCH] Street Explorer
Writer: -Eils
Graphics: irving524
Room Name: [CCH] Christmas 2024
Room Owner: noodlesoup
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Step 1
Say :tele1 then enter the teleporter.

Step 2
Step in front of Timothy, who can be found on the left hand side of the room.

Find and stand on 10x Hidden Obsessive Scribblings. These will spawn periodically in certain points of the room.

Return to Timothy once you have all 10 to teleport.

Step 3
Enter the teleporter.

Step 4
Make your way to the pressure plates on the other side by stepping through the gaps in the color tiles. Walking on or colliding with a color tile will send you back to the start.

Step 5
Enter the teleporter.

Step 6
Make your way to the pressure plates on the other side, using the snowy seats to cross the red color tiles. Stepping on a red color tile will teleport you back to the start.

Step 7
Enter the teleporter.

Step 8
Make your way to the pressure plates on the other side. Avoid colliding with the moving snowballs or you will be sent back to the start.

Step 9
Enter the teleporter.

Step 10
Make your way to the pressure plates on the other side, walking on the color tiles when they are green. If you step on them whilst they are any other colour, you will teleport back to the start.

Step 11
Keep flicking switches until you have lit the 3 glowballs. 1 switch will turn the 3 glowballs off again. Step on the pressure plates at the end once the gates have opened.

Step 12
Enter the teleporter.

Step 13
Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 14
The aim of this game is to reach the bot to reduce it’s HP (which can be seen on the right hand side of the bot in red letters). You have 2 minutes to do this.
Step on the pink tile to receive your power up, then make your way towards the bot, avoiding any obstacles in your way. Colliding with an obstacle will teleport you back to the start. Repeat this until the bot’s HP is 0, then you will be automatically teleported out of the room.

Step 15
Flick the switch to receive your badge and Reindeer Ears.

For step 2 the room is full so it cant be entered and it’s almost impossible to complete. People are camping on the spots where the scrolls appear and the scrolls take a long time to appear.
definitely wait until it’s quieter, thats what I would have done if it wasnt for the fact I had to write this guide!!! hopefully it’ll quieten down after a couple of days
definitely going to let this one die down a bit before attempting, seems like a nightmare to complete right now 3