NP: Robin S - Show Me Love
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Fae Farm Quest 8

Writer: Anna.Marie97
Graphics: -Eils

Description – Up until April 2nd, you can purchase the new Collectives in the Habbo Shop. Head to Clothing > NEW: Seasonal Currency Collectibles! to find them.

You need Flowers (Seasonal Currency) to buy these, which can be acquired by buying them from Habbo’s website or completing daily quests. Each quest is available for approximately 72 hours.

Step One

Activate the next Fae Farm Quest! on the Quests menu.

Step Two

For the first stage of the quest, find a Poisonous Apple Tree. Give an apple from the tree to two people. Complete this step to receive 200 Flowers.

Step Three

For the second stage of the quest, you will have to find a Forest Ring Teleport. Go through the teleport to complete this stage. Complete this step to receive 200 Flowers.

Step Four

For the third stage of the quest, wave to 3 different people in 3 different rooms. Complete this step to receive 150 flowers.

Once you have completed all three steps, you will have accumulated another 550 Flowers.

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