
[FUUSIO] St. Patrick's Day




Writer: Yuusa
Graphics: iVillain

Room Name: [FUUSIO.CO] St Patricks Day Event Main Room
Room Owner: ArielxSu
Or click here to go there!

Step 1

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 2

Enter the teleporter.

Step 3

Sit on any of the benches to start.

Step 4

Answer the telephrase questions with the following answers.

The feast of Saint Patrick
The United States
The Holy Trinity

Step 5

Enter the teleporter.

Step 6

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 7

Stand on any of the number tiles and say 12, or 3 to pick a horse.

Step 8

Enter the gate and wait until the horse you picked to cross finish line. You will be automatically teleported when your horse crossed.

Note: You can repick your horse by saying exit and redo previous step.

Step 9

Enter the teleporter.

Step 10

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 11

Wait for your turn and enter the gate when you are in front of it.

Step 12

Listen to get the list of clothing and pick it up by standing next to the clothing and saying *. If you want to remove the item you picked, step on the red tile and say the number of the tile where the item is. Say done on the red tile when you have finished.

Note: You have 40 seconds to do this.

Step 13

Enter the teleporter.

Step 14

Use the balloons to receive your first badge.

Step 15

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 16

Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 17

Using the switch, rotate the highlighted roller to send the food to the red or green roller. Send Fast Food to the green roller, Salad to the red roller.

Note: You have 35 seconds to do this. You will be teleported back if you send the food to the wrong tile.

Step 18

Enter the teleporter.

Step 19

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 20

Use the Barley Barrel to start.

Step 21

Follow and complete the actions that you receive. Once you complete 5 correct actions, you will be teleported.

Note: If you did not do the correct action for 15 seconds, the count will reset.

Step 22

Enter the teleporter.

Step 23

Walk to the teleporter and enter.

Step 24

Step on the green tiles to begin.

Step 25

Complete the roller maze. Avoid the moving scarecrow and gremlins.

Step 26

Use the lily pads to walk across the water to the platform and walk to the yellow tile.

Step 27

Enter the teleporter.

Step 28

Use the balloons to receive your final badge.

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