[HabboQuests] Habbo Games
Writer: -Eils
Graphics: iVillain
Room Name: [HabboQuests] Fansite Lounge
Room Owner: kalesalad
Or click here to go there!
Step 1
Sit in any of the seats to receive your first badge.

Step 2
Enter the teleporter.

Step 3
Walk off the stairs by clicking the spot highlighted below. If that doesn’t work, you can also click the flash camera to teleport.

Step 4
Wave (o/) in front the flash camera to teleport.

Step 5
Walk up the stairs only when the bot is facing the direction shown below. You are best clicking near the bottom of the walls to walk up the stairs.
Note: the stairs will reset every 2 minutes to prevent blockers.

Step 6
Enter the teleporter.

Step 7
Make your way to the pink line on the other side, walking only when the bot is facing away as shown below.

Step 8
Enter the teleporter.

Step 9
Wait patiently in the queue.

Step 10
You have 2 minutes to find the correct path and make your way to the other side. The path changes each time.

Step 11
Enter the teleporter.

Step 12
Sit on the Japanese Bench to receive your final badge.