
HC's Daily Quests - Day 3

Writer: Anna.Marie97
Graphics: Ristofer

Description – Day 3 of the HC’s Daily Quests.

Activate the Quest

Activate the HC’s Daily Quests from the quest menu.

Note: Only HC members can see these quests!

Step One

Stand in a room with at least 3 people holding a microphone (effect).

Note: You can do this without others holding a microphone, you can even do it in your own room by yourself. It will just take a minute for the bar to fill to 100%.

Step Two

Once completed, you will receive 20 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Three

Find and double click a Mega Popsicle.
You can find one in this room for easy completion 
Room Name: HC’s Daily Quests
Owner: Anna.Marie97

Step Four

Once completed, you will receive 800 Gold Fishes (Seasonal Currency).

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