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HC's Daily Quests - Day 4

Writer: Anna.Marie97
Graphics: Ristofer

Description – Day 4 of the HC’s Daily Quests.

Activate the Quest

Activate the HC’s Daily Quests from the quest menu.

Note: Only HC members can see these quests!

Step One

Find and double click a Mega Soap 3 times.
You can find one in this room for easy completion
Room Name: HC’s Daily Quests
Owner: Anna.Marie97

Step Two

Once completed, you will receive 10 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Three

Give 10 Habbo’s a drink.
Not every drink will work towards completion of the quest. I have found that the Fruity Slush Dispenser does complete it.

Note: If you don’t have 10 Habbo’s to give a drink to, you can complete this by giving 1 Habbo a drink, they drop hand item, and repeat.

Step Four

Once completed, you will receive 20 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Five

Dress like Frank with this special combination of clothing and colors.
You will need to wear this till the bar reaches 100% (1 hour 40 minutes).

Step Six

Once completed, you will receive 800 Gold Fishes (Seasonal Currency).

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