
HC's Daily Quests - Day 6

Writer: karihyun & Anna.Marie97

Graphics: Ristofer

Description – Day 6 of the HC’s Daily Quests.

Activate The Quest

Activate the HC’s Daily Quests from the quest menu.

Note: Only HC members can see these quests!

Step One

Enter a room, invite your friends and dance with them.

Note: You can complete this quest with just one friend, carry on dancing with them till the bar reaches 100%.

Step Two

Once completed, you will receive 10 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Three

Find and double click 2 of the Pup-Chis.
You can find an auto roller for easy completion in this room
Room Name: HC’s Daily Quests
Owner: Anna.Marie97

Step Four

Once completed, you will receive 20 Duckets.
Activate the next quest.

Step Five

Find a highly populated room (such as Coffee House), and blow kisses at other Habbos till the bar reaches 100%.

Note: You will have to wait a few seconds in between each kiss for it to register. If you do it too fast, the bar won’t fill up.

Step Six

Once completed, you will receive 800 Gold Fishes (Seasonal Currency).

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