Writer: naoxsis
Graphics: Stork
Who is involved?
On the 7th of December, 8AM EST FBI hosted their Annual Golden Night. This event was hosted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the agency.
The Annual Golden Night is one of the biggest events from FBI NW3C and The Office of Security Affairs was present at their gala.
At this event there were also several other agencies present, think about Interpol and Secret Service.
What happened
During this night, there were given many awards. This night was truly to celebrate FBI NW3C and everyone that contributed in their agency.
The following awards were presented:
Certified Clown award
The Certified Clown award was awarded to FarmerGeo
For never failing to bring laughter and entertainment.
Partners in Crime award
The Partners in Crime award went to :Lyn and mintshopp
For being a duo who never fails to be seen together and probably are plotting something.
Gossip Girl/Boy award
The Gossip award went to Shhaaza
For being a person who never fails to have the latest updates and new tea.
Helpful Hand award
The Helpful Hand award went to :Joyce
For being the one who is always there to help for anything.
Nocturnal award
The Nocturnal award went to :Lyn
For being the one who is apparently living in the wrong timezone.
Best Listener award
The Best Listener award went to :Lyn
For the person who you can turn to, to listen to your rants and everything.
Bot award
The Bot award went to Hyanakim?.
For the one who is always lost in their thoughts at stations.
Double Jobber award
The Double Jobber award went to gk2306
This is a person who seems like he/she is working in the FBI but isn’t..
Unlucky Star award
The Unlucky Star award went to greedo1
The person who needs some extra luck and hopefully things will get better from them.
Fashionista award
The Fashionista award went to Vanessamah.
One person who always has the sickest, most stylo looks.
Encyclopedia award
The Encyclopedia award went to _Chia
For the one who knows the FBI so well, from the inside out.
Rizz-er award
The Rizz-er award went to FarmerGeo
For the one who is seeking love and hitting people up.
Bestie Award
The Bestie award went to IGOT7x
The one person who can talk freely to everyone and is everyone’s BFF!
Busy Bee award
The Busy Bee award went to _Chia
A person who works behind the scenes, you’re still appreciated.
Chatterbox award
The Chatterbox award went to greedo1
To the one who can yap forever on their own.
Best Supporting Allies award!
All alliances are great on their own, but nothing feels better than having to have a visit for our closest alliance. They always brighten our days with their kind words and their presence!
The Best Supporting Ally award went to.. USDF!
Director of International and Regional Security Affairs, Synnax thanked everyone on behalf of USDF for this amazing award, as it was unexpected. For these three years, we made a lot of memories and friendships. Cheers to more years of success!
Longest Standing allies award!
The alliance who have stood with us through thick and thin. Congratulations Secret Service for winning the Longest Standing award!
The director of External Affairs of the Secret Service thanked FBI NW3C for being able to celebrate this incredible milestone. Reaching 10 years and onto the next 10 years. FBI NW3C has proven to the Secret Service that they have not only proven themselves as an agency but as a valued ally with a symbol of excellence.
Most Innovative allies award!
The agency which always gives us great inspirations. Congratulations to Interpol for winning the Most Innovative allies award!
The Executive Official and Overseer of the Relations Unit, thedeadlyhost thanked the FBI for the invitation on the historic event on behalf of Interpol. It is memorable for both Habbo and every agency. Something to all learn and reflect from.
Resparkled Relationship allies award
Much has been accomplished this year and there are tons to reflect upon. We are ever so grateful for all that have come and all that have gone. The last award of the alliance awards goes to; SWAT. Here’s to our old ally, whom we have rekindled our spark with. Although the lights of your HQ are no longer on. Our memories will live forever.
The promotions of the night:
Promotion for Louie
For showing strong commitment to the team, his outstanding contributions and engagement with every member of staff. Promoted to Directorate.
Promotion for Telefax
Going above and beyond in promoting and training new members. Demonstrating remarkable commitment to growth and success. Promotion to Directorate.
Promotion for Tom
For his exceptional skills during the ambassador program. Giving him the ability to help others whenever he could. Congrats on reaching Directorate!
New ambassadors
The new ambassadors are lil9206 and starx247!
At the end of the night, FBI gave their final speech of this night:
Thank you to all our Foundation members, for the wonderful years that you have worked hard to keep this agency alive. Even though things don’t always go as planned. You never fail to guide us to the right path, to where we are today. You transformed your vision into reality and made a place for us to distract ourselves from what is going on in our lives. We’re grateful for everything built thus far.
It was a lovely event to witness and as OISA we are happy that we won that amazing award.