
Santa's Playlist! Quest


Writer: Yuusa
Graphics: Stork

– You can find most of the items in the [CCH] Christmas 2024 room.
– If you get muted when saying the lines, put !!! before the lines.
– If you copy a sentence with an apostrophe (‘) and it doesn’t work, retype the apostrophe.

Activate the Quest

Activate the Santa’s Playlist! quest from the quest menu.

Step 1

Wear a Santa Hat, Santa Top, and Santa Trousers. You can find these in the shop or buy a full Santa Claus Suit. Say Santa Claus is coming to town whilst wearing the outfit. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 2

Go to a room with a Carol Singing Woman and say num só coração. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 3

Go to a room with a Singing Elf and say Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 4

Go to a room with a Carol Singing Girl and say C’est un peu à cause de moi. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 5

Go to a room with a Carol Singing Boy and say Tääll´ on myöskin kiltit lapset, kirkassilmät, silkohapset. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 6

Go to a room with a Singing Elf and say Wat zijn je takken wonderschoon. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Note: You can find the elf in USDF HQ.

Step 7

Go to a room with a Carol Singing Man and say A Natale puoi. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 8

Go to a room with a Carol Singing Woman and say Voy camino de Belén. You will receive 492 duckets when done. Activate the next quest.

Step 9

Go to a room with a Singing Elf and say That’s the jingle bell rock. You will receive a badge when done.

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