NP: Cappella - U Got 2 Let The Music
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Written by: Xexion
Graphics By: -Eils


Frustrated by your avatar constantly idling and getting booted from the room? No need to worry with anti-idles! Fraid not with anti-idles! There are 4 types of anti-idles for you to choose from!

Method 1: User Performs Action

Name of Furniture / WiredQuantity
Wired Trigger: User Performs Action1
Wired Effect: User Shows Message1

Step 1

Stack Wired Trigger: User Performs Action & Wired Effect: User Shows Message together.

Step 2

Open up Wired Trigger: User Performs Action’s menu by double-clicking it. Under Actions, select Idle and followed by Ready.

Step 3

Open up Wired Effect: User Shows Message menu by double-clicking it. Under Message, type any message. For my case, it would be Wake up!. This message will appear when the avatar idles. Lastly, click Ready.

Step 4

Here you go! You can test it out by typing :idle. 

Method 2: Freeze & Exit Tiles

Name of Furniture / WiredQuantity
Wired Effect: Toggle Furni State1
Wired Trigger: Repeat Effect1
2 Seater Sofa2
2 x 2 Stacker1
Freeze Tile4
Exit Tile4

Step 1

Place Freeze Tiles on the floor without any floorings.

Step 2

Place Exit Tiles over Freeze Tiles.

Step 3

Stack sofas on the Exit Tiles.

Step 4

Double click on Wired Trigger: Repeat Effect to open the menu and click Ready.

Step 5

Double click on Wired Effect: Toggle Furni State to open the menu, click on Counter to select the Furni and click Ready.

Step 6

Here you go! You will be teleported around the tiles when the Counter reaches 00:00.

The time for the Counter can be changed depending on your preference.

Method 3: Ice Skating Patch

Name of Furniture / WiredQuantity
Ice Skating Patch1
Tag Pole1

Step 1

Place the Ice Skating Patch on the floor without any floorings.

Step 2

Drop the Tag Pole.

Step 3

There you go! Your avatar should light up while standing on the Ice Skating Patch.

1 Tag Pole is equivalent to 1 avatar. An Ice Skating Patch allows up to 4 avatars to stand on, so you will need 4 Tag Poles for the anti-idle to work on all 4 avatars.

Method 4: Horse Jumps

Name of Furniture / WiredQuantity
Water Jump1
Wired Game Counter1
WIRED Trigger: User Walks On Furni2
WIRED Effect: Teleport To Furni2
WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time1
WIRED Effect: Toggle Furni State1
WIRED Effect: Control Counter2
2 x 2 Stacker1

Step 1

Place Horse Jump on the floor.

Step 2

Use the stacker to stack the chairs in the middle of the Horse Jump and the gates in front of the chairs.

Step 3

Stack WIRED Trigger: User Walks On Furni & WIRED Effect: Teleport To Furni together.

Step 4

Select one of the gates with the first set of WIRED Trigger: User Walks On Furni and select the chair that is diagonally to the gate.

Step 5

Do the same for the second set of wired but select the other gate and chair.

Step 6

Now stack Wired Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time, WIRED Effect: Toggle Furni State and 2xWired Effect: Control counter together.

Step 7

Select Wired Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time. You may choose the elapsed time of your choice, for my case, I will choose 2 minutes elapsed and select the Wired Game Counter.

Step 8

Select WIRED Effect: Toggle Furni State and choose the 2 gates. Make sure that one of the should be open while the other is closed.

Step 9

Select the first Wired Effect: Control counter, Select the Start option, Select the Wired Game Counter and Delay Effect for 2 seconds.

Step 10

Select the second Wired Effect: Control counter, Select the Reset option, Select the Wired Game Counter and Delay Effect for 0 seconds.

Step 11

Start the Wired Game Counter and you are all set!

Step 12

Start the Wired Game Counter and you are all set!

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