
Wired Basics: Add-Ons

Writer: GTECH6
Graphics: GTECH6

In this article, you will learn what Wired Add-Ons do and how to use them in your room. You will also learn a few useful examples.
If you’re looking for information on a specific add-on, head to the “List of Add-Ons” table at the end of this article.

What is a Wired Add-On?

A Wired Add-On makes minor adjustments to wired effects.

Add-Ons can make simple adjustments such as slowing down movement animation or randomizing which effect will be used, or as complex as logic gates. Take a look at the full list!



Without “Carry User”

With “Carry User”



Without “Movement Physics”

With “Movement Physics”



Without “Animation Time”

With “Animation Time



List of Add-Ons



Add-On Name


Carry Users

Causes effects to carry users alongside the moving furni.

Movement Physics

Adjusts how furni moves. Can be set to move through furniture, maintain altitude, move through users, or NOT move through furniture.

Cancel Move Animation

Cancels the transition animation, causing the moving furni to blink to its destination.

Animation Time

Adjusts the time duration of transition animation, causing the moving furni to move either very fast or very slow.

Execution Limit

Configures how often a wired stack can be executed within a configurable time span. 

Example: Useful if dozens of users in your room types out the same keyword at th

Random Effect

Picks a configurable number of effects at random. Can also be set to avoid effects from a configurable number of last executions.

Unseen Effect

Causes the wired stack to activate one effect every execution. When the stack executes next time, it will activate one of the previously unused effects.

At least one condition is true

Allows you to create logic gates for conditions. For example:

  • Require the stack to meet EXACTLY 3 out of 5 conditions for the effect to execute

  • Require the stack to meet LESS THAN 2 conditions for the effect to execute

  • Require NONE of 4 conditions to meet for the effect to execute


Username placeholder

Allows mentioning usernames in text wired such as “Show Message” or Bot text effects.

The specified placeholder must be mentioned in the wired text effect for it to work.

Example: After setting the placeholder name as “name”, the show message effect will need to reference it, for example “hello, welcome to my shop $(name)” etc. The user source which will determine what name is used must be set in the add-on.

Variable placeholder

Allows mentioning variables in text wired such as “Show Message” or Bot text effects.

This add-on can work together with the Variable Add-On Text Connector.

Variable capturer

Allows capturing text input from users and storing it for the purposes of the wired stack.

This add-on can work together with the Variable Add-On Text Connector.

Text Connector

Allows connecting text with variable values for the purposes of “Show Message” or Bot text effects.

For example, if a user has been assigned a variable with a value of 2, the “show message” effect could tell them they received a bronze medal.

0=gold medal

1=silver medal

2=bronze medal


This add-on needs the variable placeholder add-on.

Execute In Order

Causes wired effects to execute in an order.

This add-on can work with variable effects, allowing an order to mathematical calculations.

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