NP: Cappella - U Got 2 Let The Music
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Written By: -Eils/ Graphics By: -Eils

What you need:

1x WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect
1x WIRED Trigger: User Stuff Collision
1x WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user
1x WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position & State
1x WIRED Effect: Teleport to Furni
1x WIRED Negative Condition: Furni states DOESN’T match

Step 1

Stack the wired into the following stacks:
1 – WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect, WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user & WIRED Negative Condition: Furni states DOESN’T match
2 – WIRED Trigger: User Stuff Collision, WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position & State & WIRED Effect: Teleport to Furni

Step 2

Let’s tackle stack 1 first. Place the furni in the desired position in the room. Always aim to place it somewhere where players cannot stand, as if a player ends up blocking the space, the bopper furni will not be able to return to it’s position (which can be a bit chaotic!).

I’ll be using a 1×1 Stack Tile as my bopper.

We’re going to start with WIRED Negative Condition: Furni states DOESN’T match. Select the bopper furni tick “Current position in room”.

Next, select the bopper furni once again on WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user, then set it up with a 0 second delay.

As the final step for this stack, ensure that WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect is set to 0.5 seconds.

Step 3

Let’s move onto the second stack! On WIRED Effect: Teleport to Furni, select the furni you want players to teleport to when they get bopped.

On WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position, ensure your bopper furni is still in the place you want it to be, select it and tick “Current position in room

You won’t need to do anything for WIRED Trigger: User Stuff Collision – it will automatically be set up!

And there you have it! A simple and easy way to set up an AFK Bopper for your room.

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