NP: Cappella - U Got 2 Let The Music
1 Listeners Live W/ DJ AutoDJ

Written By: WindowsDonkeys / Graphics By: -eils

What you’ll need

Name of Furniture / WiredQuantity
WIRED Effect: Control Counter1
WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time2 + however many “chaser” objects you want4
WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position and State2 + however many “chaser” objects you want
WIRED Add-on: Movement Physics1 + however many “chaser” objects you want
WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect1
WIRED Selector: Furni in Area1
WIRED Selector: Furni By Type1
WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user1
WIRED Trigger: User Walks On Furni1
WIRED Trigger: Game Ends1
WIRED Trigger: User Stuff Collision1
WIRED Effect: Teleport to Furni1


  • You will need to have a basic understanding of Habbo Wired to complete this.
  • This guide will not tell you how to build this game, only how to set up the wired.

Step 1

For the first step, we’ll be setting up the basic counter wired. This wired will be to set up the game and move the “chaser” objects into position when it’s time.

For the purposes of this tutorial, We will only do the first one but you can duplicate this stack for how many “chaser” objects you want. For the purposes of this article, the “chaser” object is the Caterpillar. 

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time” wired, you need to click the counter. Our first chaser object is at 3 seconds so I will change the time elapsed to 3 seconds.

For the “WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position and State” wired, you will need to put your “chaser” object into the game arena where you’d like it to start from. You then click the “chaser” object and click “Current position in room” for the wired.

For the “WIRED Add-on: Movement Physics” stack, uncheck all options except “Move through users”, without this stack, a person can block the “chaser” object from teleporting into the game.

Step 2

For the next step, we’ll be setting up the wired to open the gate when the time reaches 10 seconds before the game ends.

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time” wired, you need to click the counter. Our game ends at 1 minute, so you will do 10 seconds before.

For the “WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position and State” wired, you will need to open the gate for where the potential winner will set. You then click the gate and click “Current furni state” for the wired.

Step 3

For the next step, we will be setting up the “chaser” objects. This is most probably the most difficult part of the guide, so be sure to pay attention!

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: Repeat Effect” wired, set the timer to 0.5 seconds.

For the “WIRED Selector: Furni in Area” wired, you will have to select the area where you originally want the “chaser” objects before the game starts. Click select area and highlight such area and then click “Invert” as we only want them to move when it’s not in that area.


For the “WIRED Selector: Furni By Type” selector, we need to ensure only the “chaser” objects move. Click one of your “chaser” objects and then click “Filter existing selection”

For the “WIRED Effect: Move Furni towards nearest user” wired, click “Show advanced options” at the bottom and then click the arrows until it hits “Use furni from Selector”

Step 4

For the next stack, we’ll be setting up the wired for when someone sits on the chair OR the game runs out of time so the game can reset.

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: User Walks On Furni” wired, simply click the chair.

For the “WIRED Trigger: Counter Reaches Set Time” wired, you need to click the counter. Our game ends at 1 minute, so we will set it at 1 minute elapsed.

For the “WIRED Effect: Control Counter” wired, you will need to click the counter and then select “Reset”

Step 5

For the next stack, we will be managing the “clean up” from the step above.

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: Game Ends” wired, simply click “Ready”.

For the “WIRED Effect: Match Furni to Position and State” wired, close the gate and put all “chaser” objects in their default positions (the positions before the game starts), click the gate and all the “chaser” objects and click “Current furni state” and “current position in room”.

For the “WIRED Add-on: Movement Physics” stack, uncheck all options except “Move through users”.

Step 6

For the final stack, we will be setting it up when someone gets hit by the “chaser” objects.

You will need the following stacks:

For the “WIRED Trigger: User Stuff Collision” wired, simply click “Ready”.

For the “WIRED Effect: Teleport to Furni” stack, simply click which furni you’d like to teleport them to since they got hit by a “chaser” object.


That’s how you setup danger zone, to get it started you’ll need to set up wired to start the game using a keyword and “WIRED Effect: Control Counter” wired!

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