Written By: xexion / Graphics By: d-gen
Wanna make a question based game? Think no more, it’s time for some Telephrase!
Method 1: User Performs Action
Name of Furniture / Wired | Quantity |
Colour Tile | 4 |
Flooring of Your Choice | 4 |
Wired Trigger: User Walks On Furniture | 1 |
Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword | 2 |
Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni | 1 |
Wired Effect: Match Furni to Position & State | 2 |
Wired Condition Furni States and Positions Match | 1 |
Stack 2 – Keyword to open up the entrance.
Stack 3 – Keyword to close the entrance.
Stack 4 – To show the questions.
Stack 5 – Teleport player to the next question when the correct answer is said.
Step 1
Place Colour Tile as the entrance to the Telephrase.
Stack 1: Wired Trigger: User Walks On Furni, Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni together & Wired Condition Furni States And Positions Match.
Stack 2: Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword & Wired Effect: Match Furni to Position & State
Step 2
Stack 1: Open up Wired Trigger: User Walks On Furni menu and select the colour tiles.
Stack 1: Open up Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni menu and select the floor/area of the first question of the Telephrase.
Change the state of colour tiles to Green.
Stack 1: Open up Wired Condition Furni States And Positions Match menu, tick Current furni state & select the colour tiles.
Step 3
Stack 2: Open up Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword menu and input your keyword to open up the entrance.
Stack 2: Open up Wired Effect: Match Furni to Position & State menu, tick Current furni state and select the colour tiles.
Step 4
Stack 3: Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword & Wired Effect: Match Furni to Position & State
Stack 3: Open up Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword menu and input your keyword to close the entrance.
Change the colour tile to red.
Stack 3: Open up Wired Effect: Match Furni to Position & State menu, tick Current furni state and select the colour tiles.
Step 5
Stack 4: Wired Trigger: User Walks On Furni & Wired Effect: Show Message.
Stack 5: Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword, Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni & Wired Selector: Users In Area.
Step 6
Stack 4: Open up Wired Trigger: User Walks On Furni menu and select the first area’s floor.
Stack 4: Open up Wired Effect: Show Message and type in your question.
Step 7
Stack 5: Open up Wired Trigger: User Says Keyword menu and add in the answer to the question for Stack 4.
Stack 5: Open up Wired Effect: Teleport To Furni menu and select the next area’s flooring.
Stack 5: Open up Wired Selector: Users In Area menu and select the first area. This would prevent players saying the keywords to be teleported if they are not in the game area.
Repeat Step 4 – 6 for each question.