Difficulty (Medium)
Room Name: Sorrow Maze ª
Room Owner: Dull
Link: https://www.habbo.com/room/78602569
Written By: :Pepper / Graphics By: Anna.Marie97
Step 1
Enter the teleporter.
Step 2
Complete the snake maze below, and use the rotating gate at the end to teleport.
Step 3
Enter the teleporter.
Step 4
Make your way to the highlighted gate by stepping on the rollers to rotate the gates and avoid colliding with the glowball.
Step 5
Enter the teleporter.
Step 6
Make your way to the light tile and avoid the skulls.
Step 7
Enter the teleporter.
Step 8
Complete the snake maze. Sit on the pod and use the black rose to turn the coloured tile green. Step on the green tile at the end to teleport.
Step 9
Enter the teleporter.
Step 10
Make your way to the highlighted gate by only stepping on the flowers and rollers.
Step 11
Enter the teleporter.
Step 12
Make your way to the highlighted tiles. Stepping on a roller will bring the blue tiles on top of the rollers. Avoid tripping on the tiles, and time your steps by watching the glowball.
Step 13
Enter the teleporter.
Step 14
Complete the snake maze. Flick the moving switch to rotate the gate. The pods in the middle are anti-afk. You will walk off! Use the gate at the end to teleport.
Note: You need to flick the switch twice to rotate the gate.
Step 15
Enter the teleporter.
Step 16
Make your way to the highlighted gate, avoid colliding with the dragon lamp, and only sit on the pillows.
Step 17
Enter the teleporter.
Step 18
Complete the snake maze. Flick the switch to rotate the gate, but avoid colliding with the unicorn. Only step on the blue tiles. Make your way to the highlighted tile to teleport.
Note: You need to flick the switch three times to rotate the gate.
Step 19
Enter the teleporter.
Step 20
Complete the snake maze. The bears will trip you. Avoid colliding with the glowball while going through the gate at the end.
Tip: Step through the gate, and move back onto the roller behind to avoid colliding with the glowball.
Step 21
Enter the teleport.
Step 22
Make your way to the highlighted gate by only stepping on the roller colour the sheep is on.
Step 23
Click the black rose to receive the final badge!
Bonus Maze
Head back to the main room and enter the teleporter.
Step 24
Complete the snake maze. Pods are anti-camp, only step on the pillow to move across both switches. Flick either switch to rotate the gate. Step on the flame to teleport.
Step 25
Use the black rose to receive the bonus badge!