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The Farm in Colors Quest

Writer: krizzycat
Graphics: -Eils

Description – Up until May 2nd, you can purchase the new Collectibles in the Habbo Shop. Head to Clothing > Candy Collection to find them. Purchasing all 3 items (Marshmallow Socks, Unicorn Horn and Marshmallow Bag) will allow you to claim the Marshmallow Braids on May 2nd.

You need Candy (Seasonal Currency) to buy these, which can be acquired by buying them from Habbo’s website or by completing “The Farm in Colors” quests.

Step One

Activate the “The Farm in Colors” quest on the quest menu.

Step Two

For the first stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Chicken” badge.

(Note: you will have to collect all 7 badges from the “[MMW] The Farm in Colors” game to complete this quest.
Click here for the guide to the game.)

Step Three

For the second stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Strawberry” badge.

Step Four

For the third stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Ladybird” badge.

Step Five

For the fourth stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Cow” badge.

Step Six

For the fifth stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Donkey” badge.

Step Seven

For the sixth stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Duck” badge.

Step Eight

For the seventh stage of the quest, wear the “The Farm in Colors – Carrot” badge.

Step Nine

Once you have completed all 7 stages, you would have accumulated 4000 candies.

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