Building Basics: Invisible Furni
HabboDefense Invisible Furni Writer: GTECH6 Graphics: GTECH6 Introduction In this article, you will learn about the invisible furniture, which was released on Habbo in December 2023. As of March 2024, there are 6 invisible furni in total. What is Invisible Furni? Invisible Furni are a new type of utility furniture – they can be used […]
Building Basics: Configuration Furni
HabboDefense Configuration Furni Writer: GTECH6 Graphics: GTECH6 Introduction In this article, you will learn about the room configuration furniture, which was released on Habbo in December 2023. As of March 2024, there are 5 room configuration furni in total. What is Configuration Furni? Configuration Furni are a new type of utility furniture – with just […]